
Le nouvel album de Saqqarah, enregistré à Ploeren, vient de sortir ! | Le TélégrammeOverlooked French group from Vannes, formed in 1992 by Patrice Mauvieux on guitars, Lou Van Der Cruyssen on vocals, Dominique Renault on drums, Christophe Bastien on keyboards and Herve Juguet on bass. Two years later they recorded a 3-track mini CD (”Peti eref tra su”), but the following year Bastien quit with Mauvieux playing also the keyboards. In 1996 a very good debut is released under the title ”Genese”, but another departure put the group on ice for four years, this time it was Lou Van Der Cruyssen who moved permanently to Egypt in 1998. In 2002 Saqqarah returned with new singer Jack Feys and released another album, ”Awakening” in 2005. The same year Christophe Bastien rejoined forces with Saqqarah and stayed with the band for another four years, before parting ways again due to many constraints. Since 2009 Saqqarah continued as a quartet, but any further album activity has yet to see the light. See for more.

Traders of death

Ghost plane

The mirror

Dog tag

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