DarWin is an ongoing musical exploration driven by Simon Phillips and DarWin (DW). The music seeks to elevate the power of crafted songs, and the collection of songs into an album experience. Groove, energy, melody and harmony are all simultaneously prioritised. The songs should feel both original but somehow familiar. The duo has collaborated with Matt Bissonette since 2015 as a song writing trio, fusing the diverse interests and experiences of the group. Matt’s vocals provide a soothing sonic resonance over novel rhythmic landscapes. Bass sensation Mohini Dey joined from 2022, contributing her fiery power to the tracks, with virtuoso Greg Howe providing jaw-dropping shred across the albums. See for more.
Soul Police
5 Steps on the Sun
The Sun
Inside This Zoo
Nightmare of My Dreams
Hulks and Heroes
Imitation Suede
Be That Man
What Do We Know