Pieter Leendertse

Pieter Leendertse lanceert debuutsingle | BHZNet.nl - Nieuws uit  BiddinghuizenPieter Leendertse is a singer-songwriter of Dutch pop songs. Born and raised where the sea made way for land, Flevoland, he now lives on the old canal in the water-rich Zwolle. A true waterman. Pieter fell in love with the sea, the beach and the waves as a child. “That is often the inspiration for writing my songs. Walking along the water, I think about my life and the things that keep me busy. I process this in my songs.” In addition to his love for the beach, he has another great love: music! The musical all-rounder started as a drummer and then picked up the guitar, played in various bands and eventually chose guitar and singing. “For me, this is the purest form of making music. With my voice, I can show who I am and give an insight into my world through my lyrics.” During his performances, Pieter’s unique (vocal) sound stands out to the listeners. See for more.


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