Keb’ Mo’ (born Kevin Moore, October 3, 1951) is a three-time American Grammy Award-winning blues musician. He is a singer, guitarist, and songwriter, currently living in Nashville, Tennessee with his wife Robbie Brooks Moore. He has been described as “a living link to the seminal Delta blues that travelled up the Mississippi River and across the expanse of America.” His post-modern blues style is influenced by many eras and genres, including folk, rock, jazz and pop. The moniker “Keb Mo” was coined by his original drummer, Quentin Dennard, and picked up by his record label as a “street talk” abbreviation of his given name. See for more.
Dangerous Mood
Don’t Try To Explain
Everything I need
Bonnie Raitt, Keb Mo – No Gettin’ Over You
Folsom Prison Blues
Keep It Simple
Shave Yo’ Legs
She Just Wants to Dance
Am I Wrong
Come on in My Kitchen
Anybody Seen My Girl
God trying to get your attention
Rawa Blues Festival 2013
BluesAmericana 2014